Rocket Astro is a clinical study testing an investigational product as a potential treatment in adolescents (≥12 to <18 years old) with atopic dermatitis. This study aims to determine how well tolerated and effective this drug may be in helping to control and reduce signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis. This includes reducing severe itching, painful skin, and sleep disturbance.

- ≥12 to <18 years of age and considered of legal age and able to assent with parental/guardian consent or read and sign the Informed Consent as applicable in your country
- Diagnosed with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (for at least 12 months) Experiencing signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis that are not manageable with your current treatment regimen
- Weigh at least 40 kg (88 lbs)
All study-related drugs and assessments will be provided at no cost to participants. You may be reimbursed for travel costs (such as fuel or bus/train tickets) to study visits.
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting up to 20% of children worldwide and is the most common skin disease in children. Signs and symptoms include intense itching, loss of sleep, as well as stress and anxiety. It is also linked to other health conditions such as asthma and allergies. Currently, there are limited treatment options and no cure for atopic dermatitis. Some ways to help manage atopic dermatitis include avoiding certain triggers (such as certain foods), using lotions and creams to improve the skin’s hydration, and using other medications and ointments that are applied to the skin to reduce inflammation. Despite current treatment options, adolescents with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis still experience signs and symptoms that may affect their daily lives, including making them feel self-conscious, restricting certain activities, leading to sleep disturbance, and affecting their performance in school. However, clinical studies are underway to develop potential treatments for atopic dermatitis in adolescents. Clinical studies, or clinical trials, are studies designed to help develop new treatments and medicines and are not possible without the volunteers who take part.
If you decide with your child to take part in Rocket Astro, participation will last up to 1.5 years. The study consistsof 3 periods:
Screening period (up to 30 days):
Your child will undergo several examinations to see if they qualify for this study. This may require multiple visits to the study site to complete all required tests.
Treatment period (52 weeks):
If eligible to take part, your child may receive the study drug for up to 52 weeks.
Follow-up period (16 weeks):
After completing the treatment period, participants may be eligible to participate in a long-term maintenance study. Those who do not continue to the maintenance study will be asked to attend 1 follow-up visit 16 weeks after the last dose of the investigational product.