Why Do I Spontaneously Get Hives?

Why Do I Spontaneously Get Hives?

Dealing with Spontaneous Hives? Here’s What to Do

Do you frequently get hives for no apparent reason? You may be dealing with Urticaria, which is a condition that causes hives to appear randomly with no apparent trigger. It can be a difficult condition to live with, thanks to the itching, burning, and swelling of these hives. It can also be embarrassing for many people. If you are sick of your random hives, there are things you can do to manage them. Keep reading to learn more about spontaneous hives and how a Hives Clinical Trial may be able to finally help you.

What Are Hives and Why Do I Get Them?

Hives, also known as urticaria, affect about 20% of people at some time during their lives. It can be triggered by many substances or situations and usually starts as an itchy patch of skin that turns into swollen red welts.

Rarely, cases of hives last more than six weeks and can last months or up to 5 years. This condition is known as chronic spontaneous/idiopathic urticaria (ongoing, of unknown cause). It can affect 1.4% of the general population and is seen in women twice as commonly as men. Chronic hives can be very frustrating and challenging to find the etiology (true cause) and to control.

Some of these cases are associated with an autoimmune disorder, occurring when the body attacks its own tissues in response to a trigger. Chronic hives may also be signs of thyroid disease or other hormonal problems. In most cases, no true etiology is found.

Managing Hives

If you experience frequent hives and are not sure of what keeps triggering them, there are some ways you can manage them and live a normal, comfortable life. One of these includes medication People suffering from hives may take anti-inflammatory medication or non-steroid medication to help control the hives. Often, hives are allergy-related. If you stay on an antihistamine, you may be able to keep your hives under control.

Hives Clinical Study

Suffering from spontaneous hives and want to try something new to get rid of them? Cahaba Clinical Research is currently conducting a Hives Clinical Study.

You are eligible if you:

  • Are At Least 18 Years Old
  • Have Been Diagnosed With Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria For At Least 6 Months
  • Have Had At Least One Unsuccessful Treatment For Urticaria, Resulting In Ongoing Urticaria Symptoms, Or
  • Suffering From Urticaria And Itching For At Least 8 Consecutive Weeks Despite Taking Antihistamines Or Omalizumab

As a study participant, you can look forward to a host of benefits, including complimentary medical exams, lab reports, free transportation to and from study appointments, guaranteed compensation, and much more. Most of all, you will receive free, state-of-the-art, and cutting-edge study-related medications that may improve your condition.

To sign up, click here to fill out our short form so that we can contact you.

For more information, visit us at CahabaClinicalResearch.com!

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